Reset and Reconnect with Joyful Moment

Check out this podcast for an introduction. Here, you will learn more about my personal story and how joyful movement helped me reestablish a positive connection with my body. After listening, followup with the activities below.

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Questions for reflection:

  • In what ways do I move my body not because I have an expectation, but just because it’s fun?
  • What are some mental blocks that prevent me from trying something new?

Journaling activity:

  • Choose a movement activity you would like to introduce (or reintroduce) to your daily life. List out each mental block that has kept you from getting started (e.g., fear of failure, fear of being laughed at, not feeling comfortable in the clothing). Next to each mental block on your list write out what might happen if things went well (the opposite of your mental block) in the form of an affirmation (e.g, I will succeed, I will amaze myself and others, I will feel beautiful in the clothing).

Feel free to share and discuss in the comments.

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