I went from feeling mortified in a bikini to dancing on stage in one. My body never changed. But my mind did.

First let me tell you, I know what it’s like to be obsessed with every pound, lump and stretchmark. I grew up reading teen magazines and comparing my body to every image.

And when I tell you I was mortified in a bikini, I mean I rarely took my swimsuit cover up off. I avoided being in situations that required swimming. Heck, I didn’t even wear shorts in public!

And when I tell you I have danced on stages as a gogo dancer, I mean I put on cheeky bottoms and glitter am proud to have all eyes on me. I also surf everyday. 👙

You see, it doesn’t really matter what you look like. We are all beautiful. But we have to look inside to see it.

Join me on this journey of loving your body!

Start to love your body with this sacred self-care journey.

In this workshop, you will:

✔️Release stored up beliefs and emotions that have been holding you back from exploring your full presence and space in the world.

✔️Connect subconsiously with each cell of your body, exploring your body’s divine connection with infinite love.

✔️Release patterns of shame and unworthiness through deep inner work.

✔️Rewrite your body confidence story to empower yourself and commit to new habits that support your journey.

Course Modules

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Body Love Practices
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Material
Available in days
days after you enroll

Course Cost